Hi Volker.

How about your migration thresholds on the disk storage pool?
Perhaps they are set very low so that anytime data lands in the disk
storagepool it is almost instantly migrated.

Check with a "q stpg xxxx f=d".

Look for the

High Mig Pct:
 Low Mig Pct:

values. If these are set low (e.g. zeroes) migration will begin immediately
any data is placed into the pool. At my site, these are usually set at H=90
& L=70, but once a day I set them both (via administrative command
schedule) to zero to force the disk pool to empty.



ML FB6 - Tivoli Storage Manager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
26/04/2001 20:30:47

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: Rik Foote/WestpacTrust/NZ)
Subject:  Tape Swapping

Hello fellow *SMers,

in our small environment we back up 3 WinNT 4.0 SP5 server systems with TSM
client to a TSM server on WinNT with an ADIC Faststore 22
Autoloader. Our daily incremental backups go first do a disk storage pool
the TSM server. All 3 WinNT servers are associated to one schedule
DAILY_INCREMENTAL with a 1 hour start up window. The backup processes spend
most of the time looking for changed files. The overall amount of backed up
data is 1-3 GB per night.

During the backup process the TSM server mounts a tape in the ADIC every
time one of the server systems start some activity. This happens in
intervals of 2-4 minutes. These are by far too many tape mounts.

The questions is WHY?
The backup is supposed to go to disk, not to tape, so i expect to see NO or
at least reduced tape activity.

If this is a lack of knowledge on my part i will take your RTM
recommendations. If not any help is appreciated.

With kindest regards

Volker Arendt

ßstr. 20                                            Tel :
42097 Wuppertal, Deutschland                           Fax:
Bergische Universität Wuppertal - Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft (FB
Lehrstuhl für rechnergestütztes Controlling

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