Hi all, up till now I have been defining tapes in storage pools, but
occasionally I run out of storage in a pool, so the backup fails. I want to
have a pool of scratch tapes available for use by any storage pool, so gave
the "max scratch volumes" a value of 10 in every storage pool, then labelled
a tape but didn't add it to any storage pool. Ran a backup (which would fail
as there was no storage available) and in the actlog received the message
"ANR1405W Scratch volume mount request denied - no scratch volume available"
and the backup failed. The scratch volume had not been checked into the
library at this point. I tried again with the scratch volume checked into
the library and this time it added the scratch volume to the storage pool
and the backup worked ok. If you are using scratch volumes do they have to
be checked into the library for them to work or will TSM call for a scratch
to be checked in, or do I need to define all the scratch volumes to a
scratch pool, and if so how do I do that.

      We are running TSM Server 3.7.1 on AIX with a magstar 3570b12
automated library.

      Thanks Doug McLauchlan
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