Makes sense...but I still have a question...
we have DB Backup Series Expiration Days set to 7 and the DELETE VOLHIST is the disappearing tape problem due to the fact that on Monday the 2 extra 
tapes go over (the ones for Sat and Sun) and then on Friday, when there are 8 tapes at 
the vault, the DELETE VOLHIST deletes 7 days worth of tapes (which would be eight 
actual tapes) and DRM only keeps track of 7 so there is an extra tape at the vault 
that is then lost to the system because of the DELETE VOLHIST activity?

Please hang in there with head is beginning to spin...I just want to know why, 
if both parms are set to 7, the tapes managed to disappear...
Kelli Jones

>>> Robin Sharpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/31/01 09:56AM >>>

When using DRM, you should not do a delete volhist at all (at least not for
DBB volumes).  DRM takes care of it.  You can delete other types of tapes
from the volhist if you wish (STGNEW, STGDELETE, etc.).  I suggest just
turning off your DELETE_DBVOLHIST schedule for a few weeks and see if it
clears up the problem.  You should also do a "Q DRMSTAT" and check the "DB
Backup Series Expiration Days" value.  We have a very similar vaulting
schedule to yours, and ours is set to two days.

Robin Sharpe
Berlex Laboratories

                    Kelli Jones
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
                    ELD.VA.US>           To:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
                                         cc:    (bcc: Robin Sharpe/WA/USR/SHG)
                    08/31/01 08:59 AM    Subject:
                    Please respond to           Re: Disappearing Tapes
                    "ADSM: Dist Stor

I was thinking that maybe it was the DB tapes...we are using DRM and here's
our db backup scenario...we have one DB tape going over each day, and one
returning.  On the weekends, there are no vault runs...on Monday, three
tapes go over (Saturday's, Sunday's and Monday's)...The system only asks
for one DB tape to come back from the vault each day.  Our DELETE_DBVOLHIST
is 'delete todate=today--7'.  I think those weekend tapes may be lost in
the shuffle....can I change this delete pararmeter on the delete volhist
schedule so that this won't happen?


Kelli Jones

>>> Yanki Yuksel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/30/01 11:09AM >>>
Are you also sending out your database backup tapes?  If so, do you have a
schedule in place that regularly deletes old database volumes?  If you do,
this would explain your situation.

If you send a database volume offsite, it will not show up in a query
volume or query libvolume command.  The only way to see them is to query
the volhistory.  If you have a scheduled clean up of the database volumes ,
they will be automatically deleted from the volhistory (The only way to
delete a DB volume).  This will result in tapes being kept at the off site
vault with no records left to identify them.

I hope this helps.

Yanki Yuksel
Sr. Systems/Network Administrator
Alcatel Canada
1235 Ormont Drive
Weston, Ontario, Canada
M9L 2W6
Tel:  (416) 742-3900 ext 5767
Fax: (416) 742-9088

                    Kelli Jones
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
                    ELD.VA.US>                  cc:
                    Sent by: "ADSM: Dist        Subject:     Disappearing
                    Stor Manager"
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

                    08/29/2001 05:26 PM
                    Please respond to
                    "ADSM: Dist Stor

We conducted an audit on our off site tapes today and found that while all
of the tapes in Vault status were at the storage facility, there were many
tapes there (physically) that were not on our list and therefore, not in
vault status.   When we query these tapes in the system there is 'No match
found'.   We have very good checks and balances with the vendor...all tapes
are verified coming in and going out so it appears as if the tapes have
just disappeared from TSM.  Any ideas?

Kelli Jones
Chesterfield County, VA

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