Hi Matt!
I forgot to mention another cause: have you performed the relinking
procedure? If so, did you specify the correct libobk.a? In the
$ORACLE_HOME/lib there should be a correct link to the TSM libobk.a.
Kindest regards,
Eric van Loon
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

-----Original Message-----
From: Warren, Matthew James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 12:27
Subject: TDPOracle v2.2 HPUX problem

Hello TSM'ers,

A DBA of ours is seeing the following error when trying to perform a backup
using TDPOracle on an HPUX system,

ABOX>/opt/app/blooper9/admin/ABOX/udump $ tail -100 sbtio.log
(10613) OBK-sbt: sbtinit: initializing SBT API
(10613) OBK-sbt: sbtpvt_tfn: BACKUP_DIR not set.

I have checked through TDPOracle documentation and cannot find any mention
of BACKUP_DIR; I am not very au fait with the method used from within RMAN
to start a backup and I have asked the DBA to check to see if BACKUP_DIR is
a value that is needed by RMAN separate from TDPOracle.

In the meantime, has anyone seen this before?



-----Original Message-----
From: b290 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 3:14 AM
Subject: Archive hangs and Poor Archive Performance at TSM 4.1.2 & 4.2

I'm trying to find out if anyone out there in TSM land has problems with
Archiving file after upgrading from ADSM 3.1.06 to TSM 4.1.2 & TSM 4.2.

There is an process using macros to build DSMC archive statements to archive
files.  At ADSM 3.1.06 it ran fine with sub-second response time.  Now that
TSM 4.anything is installed the best response time we've seen is 3 seconds,
the worst is 41 seconds.  To make matters worse, Archives hang in idle wait
for no apparent reason.  We've tried to trace this, but when trace is on,
archive stop hanging in idle wait.  It's a problem determination nightmare.

The response from IBM is to use the TSM 4.2 with the filelist option and we
are working hard to implement this.

Does anyone have ANY ideas on what we might do to improve performance while
our EDI techie re-write the process to implement the filelist option?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  This issue has been outstanding for
a month now.

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