
BACKUP_DIR is what Oracle uses to decide where on disk to backup the data
when using Oracle's Internal Media Manager (DO NOT set this while using
TDP for Oracle). What this is telling you is that Oracle/Rman does not
recognize that there is a third party vendor available to use. Follow the
linking process described in the manual for linking TDP for Oracle's with Oracle/Rman. TDPO_FS is for the filespace name on the TSM

Date:    Fri, 21 Sep 2001 11:27:29 +0100
From:    "Warren, Matthew James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TDPOracle v2.2 HPUX problem

Hello TSM'ers,

A DBA of ours is seeing the following error when trying to perform a
using TDPOracle on an HPUX system,

ABOX>/opt/app/blooper9/admin/ABOX/udump $ tail -100 sbtio.log
(10613) OBK-sbt: sbtinit: initializing SBT API
(10613) OBK-sbt: sbtpvt_tfn: BACKUP_DIR not set.

I have checked through TDPOracle documentation and cannot find any mention
of BACKUP_DIR; I am not very au fait with the method used from within RMAN
to start a backup and I have asked the DBA to check to see if BACKUP_DIR
a value that is needed by RMAN separate from TDPOracle.

In the meantime, has anyone seen this before?




Neil Rasmussen
Software Development
TDP for Oracle

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