More problems:
This morning I noticed TSM reporting this:

10/22/01 07:24:23     ANR8308I 001: 3590 volume U00834 is required for use
in library 3494LIB; CHECKIN LIBVOLUME required within 60 minutes.

Except here is a message in the log  on the 20th that shows the tape being
checked out:

10/20/01 02:59:03     ANR6697I MOVE DRMEDIA: CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME for volume
U00834 in library 3494LIB  completed successfully.
10/20/01 03:01:18     ANR6683I MOVE DRMEDIA: Volume U00834 was moved from

When I queried the vol this morning it was reported as mountable. I Changed
status to unavailable and TSM still sat there till the time the whole 60
minutes ran down waiting for that tape. Is this normal?

>I logged a priority 1 PMR but after two days bit the bullet
>and sacraficed
>48 hours worth of backups by restoring the system back to its
>state prior
>to the upgrade. You can guess what the business thought about that.

I honestly wish I could go back to the previous version and just update to
the current level. Unfortunately I cannot, it's too late. Don't you wish TSM
had a tool that would convert the database to a down level version so we
could all get on a "SAFE" version/level? In fact how about build it into
TSM? Before it mounted the database it could look at the level and convert
it, just like it does when you upgrade. Why not be able to convert back?

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (888) 997-9614

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