At 11:52 AM 10/22/2001 -0400, Stephen A. Cochran wrote:
>As someone who's still runnings ADSM 3.1 but with a new TSM AIX server on
>and no choice but to run a newer version, is the general feeling that 4.1 is
>stable, or is 4.1 still buggy? If 4.2.x is unusuable, what's the safe
>4.1 or 3.7?

I've been running v4.1.4.1 for awhile, and am pretty happy with it.
Our environment: RS6k/M80, AIX 4.3.3, ATL P3000/P6000, DLT8000 drives.
I had been thinking about upgrading to v4.2 to get a larger recovery log,
but after seeing all of the posts about v4.2 being bad, I think I'll wait a


Paul Zarnowski                         Ph: 607-255-4757
747 Rhodes Hall, Cornell University    Fx: 607-255-8521
Ithaca, NY 14853-3801                  Em: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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