The problem is here we don't have any idea what is being deleted if we
delete it.
These errors occur on RECLAIMS for COPY POOL tapes.  So you may be getting
errors on stuff that is months old, and the client can't back it up again.
If I could look at the contents of the tapes that won't reclaim and tell
whether there is a good copy in the primary pool, or a later backup copy,
that would be fine.  But running contents on the tape won't tell you that.

And of course the big issue is WHY are we getting these errors? they are
getting scary, as they shouldn't be there at all.  They are not the result
of physical I/O errors on any media.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Stapleton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: Antwort: Re: ANR9999D with a strange message

On Mon, 12 Nov 2001 09:53:51 +0100, it was written:
>RESTORE VOLUME did not fix anything here. We are back at those
>ANR9999D ssrecons.c(2342): Actual:   Magic=1C9F3202,
>SrvId=-61862846, SegGroupId=3512872581838733325,
>SeqNum=805461472, converted=T.
>Messages. It seems that the data already were damaged when the BACKUP
>STORAGEPOOL command run.
>I am wondering now in two ways :
>2. What should we do next ? Do we have other possibilites than to do a

It's not that bad a deal to delete a volume. When the clients do their
first backup after the volume deletion, they will just back up the
missing files again. Your biggest window of vulnerability will be a
few hours.

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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