> How do you recommend setting up a management class that would allow me
> to retain backups for 60 days while allowing a PIT restore to any date
> within the past 60 days? I am thinking I should set the copygroup
> parameters VERExists, VERDeleted, RETExtra and RETOnly to 60.
> Does this seem correct?

It's probably close.  Deranged people such as myself might comment:

* If you are doing weekly backups, these numbers are way too high.

* If you sometimes do more than one backup in a day, the numbers could
be too low.

* If you want to do restores from the last 60 backups, 60 would be
right for verexists, but 59 would be sufficient for verdeleted, etc.

* It sort of depends on what you want to accomplish.  Maybe a client
expects 60 days to be 2 months.  Maybe bump 60 a little.  Maybe you
backup every day, but client doesn't see a problem on weekends, so
maybe bump 60 a little.  Maybe client tries to restore today, runs out
of time and comes to you tomorrow for help.  Maybe bump 60 a little.

Of course, if you can identify the files which need this PIT
requirement, then considerable *SM DB and STGpool space and processing
time might be saved if you have a special management class for the 60-
copy files and something considerably less as "standard" ... but then
the client risks making a poor decision.  :-)

cheers, wayne

Wayne T. Smith                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ADSM Technical Coordinator - UNET       University of Maine System

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