How about putting a message in the header (or footer) of the eMails?  One
of my other lists implemented this change, and clueless 'unsubscription'
messages were eliminated.  ie:

List-Help: <>
List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


>> I'm seeing all these unsubscribe messages, some of them from
>> Is this some kind of lame attempt at a DOS attack on the list?
>    Steve, never ascribe to malice what can be chalked-up to
>ignorance. My guess is that the folks simply didn't read the
>instructions that they were given when they subscribed nor
>did they keep those instructions for reference (as was
>requested of them in the message the obviously didn't read).
>Further, they are too lazy to do a bit of research in order
>to figure out how to unsubscribe. (Hint: send 'SIGNOFF ADSM-L'
>    Why the sudden rash?
>    At all times, there are folks who want to be removed from
>the list. (To be fair, tis is a fairly high volume list.)
>Those people who are too ignorant to figure out how to
>unsubscribe see the in-channel 'unsubscribe' requests. They
>think that's the correct way to be removed from the list. So,
>they try it too, often even after folks have gone to lengths
>to explain the unsubscribe method. In short, it snowballs.
>    If I sound a tad bit bitter, it is only because I have
>managed lists on occasion. If anyone ever asks you to, just
>say 'no'.
>    Matt

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