I'm curious for another reason.  There were a BUNCH of these in
December.  At first I thought some retirements, then I wondered.  
Now in the last week another small flood.

Is this more layoffs in our fine profession?
Whois going to backup all the data?

David Longo

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/16/02 10:17AM >>>
> I'm seeing all these unsubscribe messages, some of them from
> Is this some kind of lame attempt at a DOS attack on the list?

    Steve, never ascribe to malice what can be chalked-up to
ignorance. My guess is that the folks simply didn't read the
instructions that they were given when they subscribed nor
did they keep those instructions for reference (as was
requested of them in the message the obviously didn't read).
Further, they are too lazy to do a bit of research in order
to figure out how to unsubscribe. (Hint: send 'SIGNOFF ADSM-L'
    Why the sudden rash?
    At all times, there are folks who want to be removed from
the list. (To be fair, tis is a fairly high volume list.)
Those people who are too ignorant to figure out how to
unsubscribe see the in-channel 'unsubscribe' requests. They
think that's the correct way to be removed from the list. So,
they try it too, often even after folks have gone to lengths
to explain the unsubscribe method. In short, it snowballs.
    If I sound a tad bit bitter, it is only because I have
managed lists on occasion. If anyone ever asks you to, just
say 'no'.


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