Is anyone using the ABC Client for VMS? I'd like any feedback as to the
reliability for you. I've worked with Kelly on this and so has he. If you
want my personal opinion I'd say.....never mind...... Needless ot say I've
been trying to get our people to use the 2 licenses we have, Version 1.2-6.
I know it has worked in the past but they stopped using it because he says
it works for a while then stops. He gets it fixed and it stops. At which
point he gives up and says he ran out of time to look at it. That's great DR
isn't it?

I can't believe it's any more or less difficult  to use or reliable than
anything else we have, but I would like some feedback from others using it
so I can get this resolved. The administrator has asked management to
purchase a backup package, which they've obviously balked at since we're
supposed to have one that works now. The question is why can't he get this
one to work? I don't have access to it, can't answer it, and he doesn't seem
to have time to check it.

Don't ask me how he's going to find time to implement and care for the one
he wants to purchase.

Thanks for the feedback.

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (888) 997-9614

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