I think it's better to make a rough guess, or even throw a dart, then grow
the system as needed.  I've seen sites spend literally months doing NOTHING
except trying to get the sizing just right.  That's misguided effort.

What you DO need is some way to monitor growth rates, so you can predict
when you'll outgrow this or that piece of the puzzle.

Mr. Lindsay Morris
CEO, Servergraph
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Brenda Collins
> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 11:51 AM
> Subject: TSM Server Sizing
> Hi!
> Does anyone have any good tips on sizing a TSM server appropriately?  I do
> have the sizing tool but there is so much manual work in trying
> to populate
> that to get any information, particularly when you don't have
> documentation
> for every environment.  I would welcome some comparisons if you care to
> share.  I will have automated tape libraries at each location
> also, ranging
> from a L180, L700 or Powderhorn.
> I have 5 different sites to size:
> 1.) 40 servers - 1.5 tb storage total
> 2.) 50 servers - 1 tb storage total
> 3.) 300 servers - 11 tb. storage
> 4.) 125 servers - 6 tb. storage
> 5.) Moving from Mainframe to Unix - and merging two different backup
> environments into one.
>      TSM on OS/390 - Current occupancy is 18 TB, TSM database = 18gb
>      Upstream - 325 clients
> Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.
> Brenda Collins
> Storage Administrator
> ING - Americas Infrastructure Services
> (612) 342-3839  (Phone)
> (612)510-0187  (Pager)

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