I tell clients, if they HAVE to have data for a SPECIFIC period of time,
archive it into a management class with the required retention period.

I try to only give them 1 3, 6, & 12 month management classes...
anything longer than that and I make them archive to a specially registered
node name, I export that data, send the export tapes offsite and purge that
specific info out of my TSM data base ;-)

Dwight E. Cook
Software Application Engineer III
Science Applications International Corporation
509 S. Boston Ave.  Suit 220
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-4606
Office (918) 732-7109

-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Levitan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 10:16 AM
Subject: Monthly Backups, ...again!

Has anyone had to defend themselves against the MONTHLY FULL BACKUP kept
for a year scenario???
Business wants a monthly full backup to be kept for a year.
How have people dealt with this issue?

Marc Levitan
Storage Manager
PFPC Global Fund Services

----- Forwarded by Marc D Levitan/PFPC/WES/PNC on 04/04/2002 11:15 AM -----

                    Marc D
                    Levitan              To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    04/04/2002           Subject:     Monthly Backups,
                    08:51 AM

A question was brought up while discussing retention policies.

Currently we have the following retentions:

Policy    Policy    Mgmt      Copy      Versions Versions   Retain  Retain
Domain    Set Name  Class     Group         Data     Data    Extra    Only
Name                Name      Name        Exists  Deleted Versions Version
--------- --------- --------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------
COLD      ACTIVE    COLD      STANDARD         2        1        5      30

NOVELL    ACTIVE    DIRMC     STANDARD        30        1      120     365
NOVELL    ACTIVE    STANDARD  STANDARD        30        1      120     365

RECON     ACTIVE    DIRMC     STANDARD        36        3       75     385
RECON     ACTIVE    MC_RECON  STANDARD        26        1       60     365

STANDARD  ACTIVE    DIRMC     STANDARD        26        1       60     365
STANDARD  ACTIVE    STANDARD  STANDARD        26        1       60     365

UNIX      ACTIVE    MC_UNIX   STANDARD        30        1       60      30

I believe that this provides for daily backups for over a month.

There was a request to have the following:
1)   Daily backups for a week.
2)   Weekly backups for a month.
3)   Monthly backups for a year.

I believe we are providing 1 & 2.  We are providing daily backups for a

How can I provide monthly backups for a year?
I know that I could take monthly archives, but this would exceed our backup
windows and would increase our resources ( db, tapes, etc.)
Also, I know we could lengthen our retention policies.
Also we could create backup sets. (tons of tapes!)

How are other people handling this?


Marc Levitan
Storage Manager
PFPC Global Fund Services

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