Thanks to all that replied!  Looks like I am not alone!

I'll let you know the outcome...

Marc Levitan
Storage Manager
PFPC Global Fund Services

                    "Seay, Paul"
                    <seay_pd@NAPT        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    HEON.COM>            cc:
                    Sent by:             Subject:     Re: Monthly Backups, ...again!
                    "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                    03:17 PM
                    respond to
                    "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"

The question is what do you hope to restore from it.  You will find that a
full backup like this applies to a specific application, not the entire
company.  It is usually a small segment of the corporate data.  In the
mainframe world with tapes for applications you just created a tape with a
specific retention, special backup of that information.  There are probably
a thousand ways to accomplish this in the TSM open world.  The most viable
way in the open systems world is to copy the data files to an archive area
that is archive/deleted and kept for the appropriate period of time.  This
way the application has the responsibility to put the data in the location
at the appropriate time and the storage management solution now manages
area with a predefined set of criteria that is totally automated.

Yes, this requires a little bit of work for the application.  But, if they
really want data recovery at an application level then this is the most
effective way.  Everyone, knows the archive data areas then and where to
find the archived data.

-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Levitan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 11:16 AM
Subject: Monthly Backups, ...again!

Has anyone had to defend themselves against the MONTHLY FULL BACKUP kept
a year scenario??? Business wants a monthly full backup to be kept for a
year. How have people dealt with this issue?

Marc Levitan
Storage Manager
PFPC Global Fund Services

----- Forwarded by Marc D Levitan/PFPC/WES/PNC on 04/04/2002 11:15 AM -----

                    Marc D
                    Levitan              To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    04/04/2002           Subject:     Monthly Backups,
                    08:51 AM

A question was brought up while discussing retention policies.

Currently we have the following retentions:

Policy    Policy    Mgmt      Copy      Versions Versions   Retain  Retain
Domain    Set Name  Class     Group         Data     Data    Extra    Only
Name                Name      Name        Exists  Deleted Versions Version
--------- --------- --------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------
COLD      ACTIVE    COLD      STANDARD         2        1        5      30

NOVELL    ACTIVE    DIRMC     STANDARD        30        1      120     365
NOVELL    ACTIVE    STANDARD  STANDARD        30        1      120     365

RECON     ACTIVE    DIRMC     STANDARD        36        3       75     385
RECON     ACTIVE    MC_RECON  STANDARD        26        1       60     365

STANDARD  ACTIVE    DIRMC     STANDARD        26        1       60     365
STANDARD  ACTIVE    STANDARD  STANDARD        26        1       60     365

UNIX      ACTIVE    MC_UNIX   STANDARD        30        1       60      30

I believe that this provides for daily backups for over a month.

There was a request to have the following:
1)   Daily backups for a week.
2)   Weekly backups for a month.
3)   Monthly backups for a year.

I believe we are providing 1 & 2.  We are providing daily backups for a

How can I provide monthly backups for a year?
I know that I could take monthly archives, but this would exceed our backup
windows and would increase our resources ( db, tapes, etc.) Also, I know we
could lengthen our retention policies. Also we could create backup sets.
(tons of tapes!)

How are other people handling this?


Marc Levitan
Storage Manager
PFPC Global Fund Services

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