Let me begin by saying that this rant is in no way meant to be directed to
Mark Stapleton, his advice has helped me many times and he is a great asset
to the group, he never hesitates to help.

Be aware, q event ONLY reports on the success or failure of the backup
script being ran, NOT the actual job.

Example: Last week the below method was used as it is everyday to check the
status of scheduled jobs and it reported the following.

04/05/2002 01:30:00 04/05/2002 02:01:54 130AM_EXCHANGE03_DB- EXCHANGE03_DB

But.... when you actually look into the job you still see it running as a

Sess Comm. Sess Wait Bytes Bytes Sess Platform Client Name Number Method
State Time Sent Recvd Type ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------- -----
-------- -------------------- 3,102 Tcp/Ip RecvW 0 S 8.0 K 11.6 G Node TDP

And the activity log only shows that the Directory completed, the
Information Store is still being backed up.

I spoke to level 2 support and I understand that q event only reports on the
script, he suggested that I need to put some kind of wait statement in the
script to not let it complete until the job actually completes.

I am not very happy with his suggestion, I am querying the event, I am not
running a q script!!! I don't want a Band-Aid, I just want a q event that

Is there another solution within Tivoli to query the actual events?

BTW, we are running TSM 4.1.3 on W2K server and the example is for Exchange
TDP 2.2 on Exchange 5.5.

Thanks all,
Mark B.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Stapleton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: reporting on backup successes/failures

On Tue, 5 Mar 2002 10:26:18 -0600, "Glass, Peter"

>What would be the best way to produce a report that shows the number of
>client backup successes vs. failures, for a given day?

This is not as hard as some folks seem to want to make it:

  q event * * begind=<start_date> endd=<end_date>

If you want it in script form:

  def script backup_check 'q event * * $1 $2 > /tmp/backup_check'

You run it by inputting

  run backup_check 04/01/2002 04/03/2002

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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