
you have at least 3 + 2 + 9 + 13 = 27 B/A clients contacted under 
different names the server once or more. If a node is registered but not 
used (i.e. not contacted the server) the server does not have an idea of 
its OS. Probably you have no chance to be wrong stating that you have no 
more than 25 boxes at the moment. The ought to come from TDPs using 
nodename different than nodename of B/A client on the same box 
(recommended configuration). 
There was a discussion on this in January and the answer to your question 
is regardless of how many nodes you've set-up for a single box it needs 
only one *purchased* MgSysLAN/SAN license but will have more *in use*. 
This was (and still is) for VBP. For EVBP in ISM v5.1 purchased license is 
based on processors. I still wait for v5.1 media to come and have not seen 
the output from 'q license' but suspect in use would be still 
Contact your IBM/Tivoli rep and get written answer from there pointing to 
the Announcement Letters.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by:        "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:        extra licences must be registered

Dear gurus,
Tivoli needs an extra number of "Managed System for LAN" licences.

I have lots of scheduled backups of database via TDP for SQL (v2.2) and 
TDP for Oracle (v2.2.0.2).

The TSM server (v4.2.1.9) runs on AIX 4.3.3.

My environment is:
2 AIX client
1 AIX client + 1 TDP for Oracle for AIX (on the same machine)
2 Linux86 client
7 Solaris client
2 Solaris client + 2 TDP for Oracle for SUN (on the same machine)
9 WinNT client
2 WinNT client + 2 TDP for SQL (on the same machine)

I think, I have to buy:
Licences for Managed System for LAN: 25 (3 AIX, 1 Linux86, 9 Solaris, 11 
Licences TDP for Oracle: 3
Licences TDP for MS SQL Server: 2

This is an extract of the "q system" output:
*** ---> select platform_name,count(*) from nodes group by platform_name
PLATFORM_NAME         Unnamed[2]
----------------     -----------
AIX                            3
Linux86                        2
SUN SOLARIS                    9
TDP Oracle AIX                 1
TDP Oracle SUN                 2
WinNT                         13

The problem is:
1) I have 11 WinNT clients, not 13!!!
2) Where are the 2 TDP MSSQLV2 NT clients?

This is an extract of the "q licence"

Number of Managed System for LAN in use: 30
!!! I have only 25 clients !!!

Number of TDP for Oracle in use: 3
The number it's right.

Number of TDP for MS SQL Server in use: 2
The number is't right.

Nasca Paolo
Cleis Technology srl
Via E. Raggio, 4
16124 Genova ? Italy
+39 010 24858.11

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