> 1. The Redbook recommends to save Meta data to a Disk Pool. I did not
find any
> hint about the size of this Diskpool. Can anybody tell me what size I
> setup? Is it any percentage of the database size?

It depends.  :-)  Plan on 5K of space per database backup.
It will most likely be much less than that... but plan for
that much and you should be all set.

> 2. My Customer would like to restore individual tables as well, is this
> supported with TDP SQL? If so how do I do this?

Microsoft has moved away from table level backup/restores.
They supported it in SQL 6 and 6.5, but with the later versions
of SQL server (SQL 7 and SQL 2000), they removed that function.
There are ways to accomplish what you want with database organization.
The closest you can come is putting each table in its own filegroup
and doing file/group backups.
TDP for SQL 2.2 supports file/group level backup/restore.

> 3. I am in big doubt how to setup the include/exclude list, you can
> groups, files, data, meta. If I want to save the full database and its
> structure (indexes, tables), how do I setup this include/exclude list?

If you back up a full database, you will get everything associated with
database.  The INCLUDE/EXCLUDE works are the database level... and not
anything more granular than that.

> 4. I tried to schedule the backup with the TSM backup/archive client
> created with dsmcutil, like described in the Redbook. I worked with
> prompted backup. It failed, the TSM Activity log says because objects are
> use. If I do a backup from the TDP SQL GUI it works. What do I miss?
should I
> better use client polling?

You should be able to get this to work. If you cannot, please
call IBM support to have them help you.

I hope this helps.




Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

- Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation.
- Strive for excellence, not perfection.

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