Same here, but the only way I've been able to use multiple drives with a
single mgmt class is with collocation OFF.  Turning on collocation always
resulted in only one drive being used.

      John Monahan

      Senior Consultant Enterprise Solutions
      Computech Resources, Inc.
      Office: 952-833-0930 ext 109
      Cell: 952-484-5435

                      "Seay, Paul"
                      <seay_pd@NAPTHEON        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      .COM>                    cc:
                      Sent by: "ADSM:          Subject:  Re: TDP R/3
                      Dist Stor
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      07/23/2002 05:40
                      Please respond to
                      "ADSM: Dist Stor

We have done the same thing as Tom, different numbers but similar stuff.

Paul D. Seay, Jr.
Technical Specialist
Naptheon, INC

-----Original Message-----
From: Kauffman, Tom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: TDP R/3

Dwight --


I've had no problem with using just one management class to access multiple
drives concurrently. I use multiple SERVER clauses in the .utl file to
spread the network traffic over both my gig ethernets, but that's a
different issue. With MAXSESSIONS set to 5, these two clauses will put
sessions on thames-bu1 and two on thames-bu2, all five for management class
prdsap-online. Prdsap-online is associated with a tape storage pool (no
pool for this turkey!) and I get five tape mounts up front. I have a second
management class for offline backups, but it points to the same storage
-- we keep online backups 8 days and the offline backups for 21 days.

SERVER          thames-bu1                                # Servername
    SESSIONS            2                               # Max sessions
    PASSWORDREQUIRED    YES                             # Use a password
    BRBACKUPMGTCLASS    prdsap-online                     # Mngm-Classes
    BRARCHIVEMGTCLASS   prdlog1 prdlog2                 # Mngm-Classes
    USE_AT              0 1 2 3 4 5 6                   # Days for backup

SERVER          thames-bu2                                # Servername
    SESSIONS            3                               # Max sessions
    PASSWORDREQUIRED    YES                             # Use a password
    BRBACKUPMGTCLASS    prdsap-online                     # Mngm-Classes
    BRARCHIVEMGTCLASS   prdlog1 prdlog2                 # Mngm-Classes
    USE_AT              0 1 2 3 4 5 6                   # Days for backup

Tom Kauffman

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cook, Dwight E [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 6:09 AM
> Subject: Re: TDP R/3
> Geoff,
>         What you will find is that all TDP/R3 data is written to a
> virtual file space name by the name of /tdp and tdpmux with a type of
> So even with collocation file, there is still only one
> filespace name to
> spread things out across.
> What you need to do is specify a different management class for each
> available tape drive.
> That is, if you have 16 tape drives, create 16 different
> management classes
> and 16 different storage pools (each management class copy
> group point to
> its own storage pool), then the SAP admin specifies those 16 different
> management classes within thier TDP options file.  Backint
> then round robins
> through the different management classes as it sends data to
> the tsm server,
> thus spreading the load out across the different drives.
> Actually I create as many management classes and storage
> pools as I have
> drives but I tell the sap admins to use 1 or 2 less than I
> provide, so as to
> leave me with 1 or 2 drives for things like my db backup, etc...
> Here is an example of one of my systems...
> tsm: TSMSRV10>q mgmt sap
> Policy       Policy       Mgmt         Default      Description
> Domain       Set Name     Class        Mgmt
> Name                      Name         Class ?
> ---------    ---------    ---------    ---------
> ------------------------
> SAP          ACTIVE       10YRARCH     No           10 year
> archive, two
>                                                      copies
> SAP          ACTIVE       AMOCO_DE-    Yes          Sap
> default mgmtclass
>                            FAULT
> SAP          ACTIVE       ARCHLOG10    No           DB redo log 10 day
>                                                      retention
> SAP          ACTIVE       ARCHLOG35    No           DB redo log 35 day
>                                                      retention
> SAP          ACTIVE       ARCHLOG3-    No           DB redo
> log 370 day
>                            70                        retention
> SAP          ACTIVE       ARCHLOG95    No           DB redo log 95 day
>                                                      retention
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           std w/ 10 day arch
>                            .95_A10
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           std w/ 10 day arch
>                            .95_A10A
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           std w/ 10 day arch
>                            .95_A10B
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           std w/ 10 day arch
>                            .95_A10C
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           std w/ 10 day arch
>                            .95_A10D
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           std w/ 10 day arch
>                            .95_A10E
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           std w/ 10 day arch
>                            .95_A10F
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           std w/ 10 day arch
>                            .95_A10G
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           std w/ 10 day arch
>                            .95_A10H
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           std w/ 10 day arch
>                            .95_A10I
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           std w/ 10 day arch
>                            .95_A10J
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           std w/ 10 day arch
>                            .95_A10K
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           std w/ 10 day arch
>                            .95_A10L
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           std w/ 10 day arch
>                            .95_A10M
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           std w/ 10 day arch
>                            .95_A10N
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           std w/ 10 day arch
>                            .95_A10O
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           std w/ 10 day arch
>                            .95_A10P
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Sap mgmt
> vere=7 verd=3
>                            .95_A35                   rete=35
> reto=95 a=35
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A370                  servers
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A37-                  servers
>                            0A
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A37-                  servers
>                            0B
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A37-                  servers
>                            0C
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A37-                  servers
>                            0D
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A37-                  servers
>                            0E
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A37-                  servers
>                            0F
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A37-                  servers
>                            0G
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A37-                  servers
>                            0H
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A37-                  servers
>                            0I
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A37-                  servers
>                            0J
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A37-                  servers
>                            0K
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A37-                  servers
>                            0L
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A37-                  servers
>                            0M
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A37-                  servers
>                            0N
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A37-                  servers
>                            0O
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A37-                  servers
>                            0P
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A95                   servers
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A95A                  servers
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A95B                  servers
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A95C                  servers
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A95D                  servers
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A95E                  servers
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A95F                  servers
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A95G                  servers
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A95H                  servers
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A95I                  servers
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A95J                  servers
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A95K                  servers
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A95L                  servers
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A95M                  servers
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A95N                  servers
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A95O                  servers
> SAP          ACTIVE       B7.3_R35-    No           Used by
> SAP prod utility
>                            .95_A95P                  servers
> Then my storage pools look like
> tsm: TSMSRV10>q stg
> Storage      Device       Estimated    Pct    Pct  High  Low
> Next Stora-
> Pool Name    Class Name    Capacity   Util   Migr   Mig  Mig  ge Pool
>                                (MB)                 Pct  Pct
> -----------  ----------  ----------  -----  -----  ----  ---
> -----------
> 10YRARCH     3590E1A            0.0    0.0    0.0    90   70
> 10YRARCHCP   3590E1A            0.0    0.0
> 1YRARCH      3590E1A            0.0    0.0    0.0    90   70
> 3590P1       3590E1A     300,722,71    4.4    6.6   100   99
>                                 7.7
> 3590P1A      3590E1A     205,035,12    0.5    0.5   100   99
>                                 9.4
> 3590P1B      3590E1A     180,356,71    0.5    0.6   100   99
>                                 2.9
> 3590P1C      3590E1A     184,586,12    0.5    0.6   100   99
>                                 5.4
> 3590P1D      3590E1A     186,244,72    0.5    0.6   100   99
>                                 7.5
> 3590P1E      3590E1A     173,080,47    0.5    0.6   100   99
>                                 1.6
> 3590P1F      3590E1A     170,282,39    0.6    0.6   100   99
>                                 1.9
> 3590P1G      3590E1A     159,838,65    0.6    0.6   100   99
>                                 2.9
> 3590P1H      3590E1A     194,565,61    0.5    0.5   100   99
>                                 2.4
> 3590P1I      3590E1A     187,958,89    0.5    0.6   100   99
>                                 6.2
> 3590P1J      3590E1A     219,325,27    0.4    0.5   100   99
>                                 1.1
> 3590P1K      3590E1A     186,253,07    0.5    0.6   100   99
>                                 0.7
> 3590P1L      3590E1A     174,463,19    0.5    0.6   100   99
>                                 3.3
> 3590P1M      3590E1A     209,221,99    0.5    0.5   100   99
>                                 1.0
> 3590P1N      3590E1A     191,632,37    0.5    0.6   100   99
>                                 9.7
> 3590P1O      3590E1A     181,399,95    0.5    0.6   100   99
>                                 3.5
> 3590P1P      3590E1A            0.0    0.0    0.0   100   99
> ARCHLOGTPE   3590E1A            0.0    0.0    0.0    90   70
> ARCHLOGTPEC  3590E1A            0.0    0.0
> tsm: TSMSRV10>
> then my drives look like :
> tsm: TSMSRV10>q drive
> Library Name     Drive Name       Device Type     On-Line
> ------------     ------------     -----------     -------------------
> TSMATL05         TSMDR1001        3590            Yes
> TSMATL05         TSMDR1003        3590            Yes
> TSMATL05         TSMDR1005        3590            Yes
> TSMATL05         TSMDR1007        3590            Yes
> TSMATL05         TSMDR1009        3590            Yes
> TSMATL05         TSMDR1011        3590            Yes
> TSMATL05         TSMDR1014        3590            Yes
> TSMATL05         TSMDR1015        3590            Yes
> TSMATL05         TSMDR1017        3590            Yes
> TSMATL05         TSMDR1019        3590            Yes
> TSMATL05         TSMDR1021        3590            Yes
> TSMATL05         TSMDR1023        3590            Yes
> TSMATL05         TSMDR1025        3590            Yes
> TSMATL05         TSMDR1027        3590            Yes
> TSMATL05         TSMDR1029        3590            Yes
> TSMATL05         TSMDR1031        3590            Yes
> Dwight E. Cook
> Software Application Engineer III
> Science Applications International Corporation
> 509 S. Boston Ave.  Suite 220
> Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-4606
> Office (918) 732-7109
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gill, Geoffrey L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 1:48 PM
> Subject: TDP R/3
> Should these tape pools have "collocation NO"? I see these 8 sessions
> all waiting for the same tape and I wonder if this is one of my
> problems with
> the SAP backups taking so long.
>               Sess Number: 146,103
>              Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
>                Sess State: IdleW
>                 Wait Time: 6.2 M
>                Bytes Sent: 205.0 K
>               Bytes Recvd: 6.2 G
>                 Sess Type: Node
>                  Platform: TDP R3 Digital
>               Client Name: XBMS
>       Media Access Status: Current output volume: U01578.
>                 User Name:
> Date/Time First Data Sent: 07/22/02 11:21:14
>               Sess Number: 146,104
>              Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
>                Sess State: IdleW
>                 Wait Time: 6.2 M
>                Bytes Sent: 129.6 K
>               Bytes Recvd: 3.9 G
>                 Sess Type: Node
>                  Platform: TDP R3 Digital
>               Client Name: XBMS
>       Media Access Status:
>                 User Name:
> Date/Time First Data Sent: 07/22/02 11:21:14
>               Sess Number: 146,105
>              Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
>                Sess State: MediaW
>                 Wait Time: 21.7 M
>                Bytes Sent: 2.0 K
>               Bytes Recvd: 424
>                 Sess Type: Node
>                  Platform: TDP R3 Digital
>               Client Name: XBMS
>       Media Access Status: Waiting for access to output volume U01578
> (1304
>                             seconds).
>                 User Name:
> Date/Time First Data Sent: 07/22/02 11:21:14
>               Sess Number: 146,106
>              Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
>                Sess State: MediaW
>                 Wait Time: 21.7 M
>                Bytes Sent: 2.0 K
>               Bytes Recvd: 424
>                 Sess Type: Node
>                  Platform: TDP R3 Digital
>               Client Name: XBMS
>       Media Access Status: Waiting for access to output volume U01578
> (1304
>                             seconds).
>                 User Name:
> Date/Time First Data Sent: 07/22/02 11:21:14
>               Sess Number: 146,107
>              Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
>                Sess State: MediaW
>                 Wait Time: 21.7 M
>                Bytes Sent: 2.0 K
>               Bytes Recvd: 424
>                 Sess Type: Node
>                  Platform: TDP R3 Digital
>               Client Name: XBMS
>       Media Access Status: Waiting for access to output volume U01578
> (1304
>                             seconds).
>                 User Name:
> Date/Time First Data Sent: 07/22/02 11:21:14
>               Sess Number: 146,108
>              Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
>                Sess State: MediaW
>                 Wait Time: 21.7 M
>                Bytes Sent: 2.0 K
>               Bytes Recvd: 424
>                 Sess Type: Node
>                  Platform: TDP R3 Digital
>               Client Name: XBMS
>       Media Access Status: Waiting for access to output volume U01578
> (1304
>                             seconds).
>                 User Name:
> Date/Time First Data Sent: 07/22/02 11:21:14
>               Sess Number: 146,109
>              Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
>                Sess State: MediaW
>                 Wait Time: 21.7 M
>                Bytes Sent: 2.0 K
>               Bytes Recvd: 424
>                 Sess Type: Node
>                  Platform: TDP R3 Digital
>               Client Name: XBMS
>       Media Access Status: Waiting for access to output volume U01578
> (1304
>                             seconds).
>                 User Name:
> Date/Time First Data Sent: 07/22/02 11:21:14
>               Sess Number: 146,110
>              Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
>                Sess State: MediaW
>                 Wait Time: 21.7 M
>                Bytes Sent: 2.0 K
>               Bytes Recvd: 424
>                 Sess Type: Node
>                  Platform: TDP R3 Digital
>               Client Name: XBMS
>       Media Access Status: Waiting for access to output volume U01578
> (1304
>                             seconds).
>                 User Name:
> Date/Time First Data Sent: 07/22/02 11:21:14
> Geoff Gill
> TSM Administrator
> NT Systems Support Engineer
> Phone:  (858) 826-4062
> Pager:   (877) 905-7154

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