We run this server-script occasionally.

Just copy and paste these lines from the mail into the command line admin
screen. Hit the enter key after the last line to get it into the script too.
You can then run the server-script using "tsm:>run totocd". No parameters
Perform "audit lic" first to get an accurate measurement.

The script shows the total number of files occupying TSM. It also shows the
amount of GB's grouped by backup, backup-copy, archive and archive-copy type
of data. On the end it also shows the total amount.

start clipping>>>>>>>>
def script totocd desc='run totocd'
upd script totocd '/* -------------------------------------------*/'
upd script totocd '/* Script Name: totocd                        */'
upd script totocd '/* Parameter:   none                          */'
upd script totocd '/* Author:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]            */'
upd script totocd '/* Example:     run totocd                    */'
upd script totocd '/* RUN AUDIT LIC FIRST TO GET AN ACC. RESULT  */'
upd script totocd '/* -------------------------------------------*/'
upd script totocd 'select sum(num_files) as "File Count" from occupancy'
upd script totocd 'select -'
upd script totocd 'cast(sum(backup_mb/1024) as decimal(5,1)) as "Backup
(GB)", -'
upd script totocd 'cast(sum(backup_copy_mb/1024) as decimal(5,1)) as
"BackupCp (GB)", -'
upd script totocd 'cast(sum(archive_mb/1024) as decimal(5,1)) as "Archive
(GB)", -'
upd script totocd 'cast(sum(archive_copy_mb/1024) as decimal(5,1)) as
"ArchCp (GB)", -'
upd script totocd 'cast(sum(total_mb/1024) as decimal(5,1)) as "Total (GB)"
upd script totocd 'from auditocc'
<<<<<<<<< end clipping

This is an example of the results you should get. It shows our current
status from one of our TSM 4.2 servers.
tsm: ABPTSM1>run totocd

 File Count



Backup (GB)     BackupCp (GB)     Archive (GB)     ArchCp (GB)     Total
-----------     -------------     ------------     -----------
     2477.0             182.0           3852.0           140.0
ANR1462I RUN: Command script TOTOCD completed successfully.

Use it if you like. We run it once in a while to see how much data we have
in TSM. Management loves figures......

Ilja G. Coolen

CIS / BS / TB / Storage Management
Telefoon: +31(0)45  579 7938
Fax: +31(0)45  579 3990
Centrale Mailbox: Centrale Mailbox - BS Storage         (eumbx05)

- Everybody has a photographic memory, some just don't have film. -

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