As a refinement to Wanda's final suggestion, couldn't you alter
your policies for 'del volhist type=dbb' (or simply retain the
current copy of your database backup exclusive of the volume
history), and then modify your storage pool's reusedelay
parameter appropriately?

The drawback that I see is that there is no "forever" parameter
for reusedelay. 9999 days is the maximum. Granted, that's over 27
years, but we know how long government investigations can last! :-)

-- Tom

Thomas A. La Porte, DreamWorks SKG

On Thu, 15 Aug 2002, Prather, Wanda wrote:

>Besides that, the best solution I can think of, change all the management
>classes to never expire/unlimited versions,
>Copy the DB to your "test" server, lock all the client nodes, put your tapes
>on a shelf.
>Save the last DB backup, just in case.
>Start your production server over with a clean DB, back up everything new
>and move on.
>If anybody needs their old stuff, get a copy via export (from test) and
>import(back to production).
>That would keep you from (immediately) doubling your tape requirements, will
>cost you some hardware to make tape available for your test system..
>Wanda Prather

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