Have you considdered using archiving to store the data that needs to be
kept forever? I've very sure no government org is really intrested in
your /etc/passwd file for over 1o years back. Find out what you need to
keep and set up archiving....

On donderdag, augustus 15, 2002, at 09:30 , bbullock wrote:

>         Folks,
>         I have a theoretical question about retaining TSM data in an
> unusual
> way. Let me explain.
>         Lets say legal comes to you and says that we need to keep all
> data backed up to a certain date, because of some legal investigation
> (NAFTA, FBI, NSA, MIB, insert your favorite govt. entity here). They
> want a
> snapshot saved of the data in TSM on that date.
>         Anybody out there ever encounter that yet?
>         On other backup products that are not as sophisticated as TSM,
> you
> just pull the tapes, set them aside and use new tapes. With TSM and it's
> database, it's not that simple. Pulling the tapes will do nothing, as
> the
> data will still expire from the database.
>         The most obvious way to do this would be to:
> 1. Export the data to tapes & store them in a safe location till some
> day.
> This looks like the best way on the surface, but with over 400TB of
> data in
> our TSM environment, it would take a long time to get done and cost a
> lot if
> they could not come up with a list of hosts/filespaces they are
> interested
> in.
>         Assuming #1 is unfeasible, I'm exploring other more complex
> ideas.
> These are rough and perhaps not thought through all the way, so feel
> free to
> pick them apart.
> 2. Turn off "expire inventory" until the investigation is complete.
> This one
> is really scary as who knows how long an investigation will take, and
> the
> TSM databases and tape usage would grow very rapidly.
> 3. Run some 'as-yet-unknown' "expire inventory" option that will only
> expire
> data backed up ~since~ the date in question.
> 4. Make a copy of the TSM database and save it. Set the "reuse delay"
> on all
> the storage pools to "999", so that old data on tapes will not be
> overwritten.
>         In this case, the volume of tapes would still grow (and need to
> perhaps be stored out side of the tape libraries), but the database
> would
> remain stable because data is still expiring on the "real" TSM database.
>         To restore the data from one of those old tapes would be
> complex, as
> I would need to restore the database to a test host, connect it to a
> drive
> and "pretend" to be the real TSM server and restore the older data.
> 5. Create new domains on the TSM server (duplicates of the current
> domains).
> Move all the nodes to the new domains (using the 'update node ...
> -domain=..' ). Change all the retentions for data in the old domains to
> never expire. I'm kind of unclear on how the data would react to this.
> Would
> it be re-bound to the new management classes in the new domain? If the
> management classes were called the same, would the data expire anyways?
>         Any other great ideas out there on how to accomplish this?
> Thanks,
> Ben
Met vriendelijke groeten,

Remco Post

SARA - Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam    http://www.sara.nl
High Performance Computing  Tel. +31 20 592 8008    Fax. +31 20 668 3167

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industry. Not that that tells us very much of course - the computer
didn't even foresee that the century was going to end." -- Douglas Adams

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