This worked great!  Thanks for all the replys.

Karla Ross

---------------------- Forwarded by Karla Ross/St Louis/IBM on 09/19/2002
01:26 PM ---------------------------

Hussein Abdirahman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on
09/19/2002 08:34:10 AM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:    "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:    Re: Select command to q client name and version

Hi Carla;

Try this. I got this from group.
It will also display the OS versions.

select platform_name as OS, -
client_os_level as OS_VER, -
node_name as Node, -
cast(cast(client_version as char(2)) || '.' -
|| cast(client_release as char(2)) || '.' -
|| cast(client_level as char(2)) || '.' -
|| cast(client_sublevel as char(2)) -
as char(15)) as "Client" -
from nodes -
order by platform_name, "Client", Node

Hussein M. Abdirahman
UNIX Administrator



-----Original Message-----
From: Karla Ross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 9:08 AM
Subject: Select command to q client name and version

Does anyone have a select command that will show me the clients and what
version of TSM they are running?  My TSM servers are running TSM v4.1, 4.2,
and 5.1.

Karla Ross

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