select left(platform_name,13) as "PLATFORM_NAME"  -
,  left(node_name,13)         as "NODE_NAME     " -
,  cast(client_version  as CHAR(1)) ||  '.' -
|| cast(client_release  as CHAR(1)) ||  '.' -
|| cast(client_level    as CHAR(1)) ||  '.' -
|| cast(client_sublevel as CHAR(2)) as "LEVEL  " -
,  left(option_set,6)   as "OPTION_SET" -
,  contact as "Contact                             " -
   from nodes

On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, Alexander Verkooijen wrote:

> On 19-Sep-02 Karla Ross wrote:
> > Does anyone have a select command that will show me the clients and what
> > version of TSM they are running?  My TSM servers are running TSM v4.1, 4.2,
> > and 5.1.
> select node_name,client_version,client_release,client_sublevel from nodes
> -----------------------------------------------
> Alexander Verkooijen        ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Senior Systems Programmer
> SARA High Performance Computing

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