Hi folks,

TSM Server (was 4.1.1 but behavior is the same) (on AIX 4.3.3)
TSM Windows Client (was 4.2.1 but behavior is the same)
Windows W2K SP2

My problem is that the W2K clients are always backing up a whack of .exe's and .dll's. 
The reason that it is backing them up is that the modified date/time keeps getting 
updated. Interestingly enough, the time seems to be when the TSM schedule starts! 
These files are obviously not changing.

The other thing is it seems to be backing up the files as system objects and not 
files. If I run 'dsmc inc c:', it backs up about 10mb. If I run 'dsmc inc' it backs up 
around 800mb.

Any ideas?


Miles Purdy 
System Manager
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
Information Systems Team,
Farm Income Programs Directorate
Winnipeg, MB, CA
ph: (204) 984-1602 fax: (204) 983-7557

"If you hold a UNIX shell up to your ear, can you hear the C?"

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