> All system files are backed up every time regardless of whether they are
> changed.

This is thanks to the stupidity of Microsoft's inclusion of the event logs
as part of the system objects.

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, Rushforth, Tim wrote:

> Windows 2000 backs up the system files (a whole whack of dll's and exe's) as
> part of the system object.  The default domain for an incremental includes
> the System Object.  You can change the default ALL-LOCAL domain to not
> include the system object BUT be aware that the SYSTEM OBJECT also contains
> the registry, event logs, cluster db, active db, comm db ...)
> All system files are backed up every time regardless of whether they are
> changed.
> Tim Rushforth
> City of Winnipeg
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Miles Purdy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: September 26, 2002 1:57 PM
> Subject: WIN2k Clients Backing up Executables ALL THE TIME
> Hi folks,
> TSM Server (was 4.1.1 but behavior is the same) (on AIX 4.3.3)
> TSM Windows Client (was 4.2.1 but behavior is the same)
> Windows W2K SP2
> My problem is that the W2K clients are always backing up a whack of .exe's
> and .dll's. The reason that it is backing them up is that the modified
> date/time keeps getting updated. Interestingly enough, the time seems to be
> when the TSM schedule starts! These files are obviously not changing.
> The other thing is it seems to be backing up the files as system objects and
> not files. If I run 'dsmc inc c:', it backs up about 10mb. If I run 'dsmc
> inc' it backs up around 800mb.
> Any ideas?
> Miles
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
> Miles Purdy
> System Manager
> Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
> Information Systems Team,
> Farm Income Programs Directorate
> Winnipeg, MB, CA
> ph: (204) 984-1602 fax: (204) 983-7557
> "If you hold a UNIX shell up to your ear, can you hear the C?"
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------

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