We have an NSM still running TSM 4.1.3. In it we have an LTO cartridge in the library 
that is marked in the libvols and volhist tables as being part of a backupset. The 
backupset has been deleted - actually, it expired - at some point in the past, but I 
cannot reclaim the cartridge for the scratch pool. Neither the "update libvol" nor 
"update volhist" commands will allow me to update the cartridge.

How do I clear the rows from the database (these two and any other tables that may be 
involved) so that I can reclaim the cartridge?

If it cannot be done at 4.1.3, will it be possible at the 4.2.1 level which is the 
next level we can upgrade the NSM to? How about 4.2.2 which we will need to get to to 
solve some PMR's we have open.

Or do I have to open a PMR for this one as well?

Werner Kliewer
in Winnipeg

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