
I am just curious of on error.  I have a lot of TDP installed and I'm not
getting this kind of error.
Can you please try this sqlfull.cmd?

rem  This is the default SQLTEST.CMD file for TDP2.2 - created 7/19/01
rem  this backs pubs to adsm
set sql_dir=C:\adsm\TDPSql
cd %sql_dir%
rem  ==================================================================
rem   2 lines below put a date and time stamp in a log file for you.
rem  ==================================================================
date < NUL >> %sql_dir%\sqlsched.log
time < NUL >> %sql_dir%\sqlsched.log
%sql_dir%\tdpsqlc backup pubs full /tsmoptfile=%sql_dir%
\adsm\tdpsql\dsm.opt /sqlserver=<sqlserver_instance> /logfile=%sql_dir%
\sqlfull.log >> %sql_dir%\sqlsched.log

This will backup the pubs dB and save an output to log sqlfull.log and
another log sqlsched.log.

You can create a test schedule and call this sqltest.cmd as an object.  If
this the backup is successfull you can see sqlfull.log that looks like

07/24/2002 16:39:16 Request                       : FULL BACKUP
07/24/2002 16:39:16 Database Input List           : pubs
07/24/2002 16:39:16 Group Input List              : -
07/24/2002 16:39:16 File Input List               : -
07/24/2002 16:39:16 Number of Buffers             : 3
07/24/2002 16:39:16 Buffer Size                   : 1024
07/24/2002 16:39:16 Number of SQL Buffers         : 0
07/24/2002 16:39:16 SQL Buffer Size               : 1024
07/24/2002 16:39:16 Number of Stripes specified   : 1
07/24/2002 16:39:16 Estimate                      : -
07/24/2002 16:39:16 Truncate Log?                 : -
07/24/2002 16:39:16 Wait for Tape Mounts?         : Yes
07/24/2002 16:39:16 TSM Options File              : C:\adsm\TDPSql\dsm.opt
07/24/2002 16:39:16 TSM Nodename Override         : -
07/24/2002 16:39:16 Sqlserver                     : VC0699NTW1
07/24/2002 16:39:16
07/24/2002 16:39:21 Total SQL backups selected:               1
07/24/2002 16:39:21 Total SQL backups attempted:              1
07/24/2002 16:39:21 Total SQL backups completed:              1
07/24/2002 16:39:21 Total SQL backups excluded:               0
07/24/2002 16:39:21 Total SQL backups inactivated:            0
07/24/2002 16:39:21 Throughput rate:                          578.89 Kb/Sec
07/24/2002 16:39:21 Total bytes transferred:                  1,786,640
07/24/2002 16:39:21 Elapsed processing time:                  3.01 Secs

Hope this will help.

Edgardo Moso
Sr. System Programmer

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