What is your QUERYSCHEDPERIOD option set to on your clients?  The default is 12 hours, 
which means the client only checks twice a day to see what it's next scheduled event 
is.  So lets take the following scenario...  
A client was scheduled for a 10:00 pm backup.  It last checked with the server at 
11:00 am, so it will not check again before it is scheduled to backup.  You change the 
association from the 10:00 pm schedule to a 8:00 pm schedule.  The client is not aware 
of this change unless you stop/start the scheduler so it will query the server and 
pick this up.  So when 10:00 pm come along, the client connects to the server, and 
then it finds out that it is no longer associated with the 10:00 pm schedule, so it 
will not backup, it queries to see what the next event is, and in this case, that 
would be 8:00 pm then next day.

Had you changed the schedule to a later time, say 11:30 pm, it would indeed pick up 
the change and backup that night.  But you may not always make the change to a later 

We set all of our clients to query every 2 hours, this way most changes will get 
picked up.  You can go this by changing it in each OPT file on each client, or you can 
use CLIENT OPTIONSET on the server to send this out to all clients, but of course you 
will need to touch each node to do this also....

If you need more on this, let me know.

Ryan Miller
Principal Financial Group
Tivoli Certified Consultant
Tivoli Storage Manager v4.1

-----Original Message-----
From: Gill, Geoffrey L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 9:10 AM
Subject: Missed Backup

TSM Server AIX 4.3.3
TSM Server Software

Why is it that anytime a client is removed from a schedule and added to a
different one the backup is missed? This always happens from my
recollection. No matter what the server version I have been it's happened.
The only way I've seen around this is to stop and start the scheduler on the
client after the client has been assigned to the new schedule.
Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (877) 905-7154

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