Zlatko --

I agree we're "imposing" on the good will of the IBM and Tivoli staff that
show their presence here, and also appreciate their help on the issues we
bring up. Thanks to all of you!

In answer to your side question --

I'm a retread mainframe sysprog, from back when a sev-1 system down would
keep you on the phone line with level-2 or level-3 (hot transfer from the
original call) until the system was back up or a work-around had been
dispatched. From that regard, ALL IBM support has gone downhill.

OTOH -- I have no complaints with the design of the product and few
complaints with the implementation. And the complaints I do have, as I have
said, I lay at the feet of management, not the support staff. When I finally
get through to support, I get useable answers; it's just that the timeframe
could be improved. I've looked at some of the other products, and there is
NO WAY I'd try to run my environment with them.

My implementation complaint boils down to the lack of a way back on server
upgrades. Because of the complexity of the product there is always the
chance I'll hit something that passed through the testing environment. I
*must* have a way of going back to the previous server level without loosing
ANY of the intervening backups or archives. I'm going to play with
export/import this time around (can I export a node from TSM 5 and import
the result into TSM 4?).

And back to the original topic here -- would it kill someone to add an MX
record for [EMAIL PROTECTED] that points to the new recipient?

Tom Kauffman

-----Original Message-----
From: Zlatko Krastev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: Tivoli pubs email address evaporated

Hi Andy,

I know this list *is not* an official communication method to IBM and even
tried to explain this once or twice. Usually I am opening PMRs on behalf
of our customers. Also was already few times annoyed with unavailability
of ESR tool (which was also promptly reported to ibm.com).

Not only me but all we should thank to those many IBMers volunteering on
the list and helping us all the time. Just to name a few: Del Hoobler,
Thiha Than, Neil Rasmussen, Pete Tanenhaus, Gianluca Mariani, Nick
Cassimatis, Bill Degli-Angeli, Gabriel Wiley, Hunny Kershaw, Lotti Brooks
and of course our top poster Mr. Raibeck.
You guys are helping us alot and we are overusing your kind assistance all
the time (not bagging, I would disagree with the recent discussion). At
least I can recall 4-5 time you Andy made this same P.S. - APAR was opened
on <something>. The pulse of TSM's life was sensed by development
directly. And despite many comments seen here about the product, my
(personal) opinion is this is one of the best supported products I've
worked with.

Side question to rest of the list: for how many products you've had the
same or better support and from how many vendors?
I do not have any idea about support quality in U.S. At least here in
Bulgaria IBM's support is far from good but is THE BEST compared to *any*
other vendor.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Andrew Raibeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
18.02.2003 23:25
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Re: Tivoli pubs email address evaporated

Hi Zlatko,

I understand your and everyone else's frustration. When it comes to the
TSM product code, ADSM-L is one of the best places to be because your
message gets to people who write the code. In a similar fashion, the
feedback mechanism that I mentioned yesterday will enable your message
about the books and the web site to get to the people who manage the books
and the web site. While we in development make a best effort to carry this
kind of feedback to the right people, the feedback is now "second-hand",
and as such, it tends to get diluted. So I would recommend that you use
the web site's feedback mechanism to provide feedback on the web site and
the books. Please note that I am not trying to be dismissive of these
legitimate issues; I am only trying to help point you to the place where
your voice is likely to have a greater impact.

Best regards,


P.S. APAR IC35702 has been opened to address the documentation problem
that was created when the pubs email address went away.

Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (change eye to i to reply)

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
"Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.


please do not assume its personal to you - you just brought the bad news,
not created them.
Actually those web folks (not we) ought to submit in this case a long list
of requests for doc-updates. Each book contains the "hard to redirect"
address. I would bet some other books have already been submitted for
publishing and also contain the wrong address. At least my docs for ITSM
5.1 contain it (and are less than a year old).
Why is so hard to redirect this address for a year or two before
discontinuing it?! Or IBM is losing control over tivoli.com domain?
Regarding Steve's recent post I will not throw all the mud on developers.
But for sure can complain about management of tivoli.com to ibm.com
transition (despite all help and communications from Luiz Nevarez).

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

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