
this "the old admin GUI is much better than the Web interface" subject 
pops up now and then.
The poster of the first message always dreams of a Windows or Java GUI
that supports the latest TSM server (btw I'm dreaming too).
A few minutes later the list gets drowned by "me too" messages.

I think there was/is a SHARE requirement for a *real* admin interface
(can you filter your tape volumes with the web interface?).
I don't understand why Tivoli isn't listening to their customers.
Tivoli should start a survey on how many customers would like to have
such an animal and on what platform. Based on this results it should be
easy to provide a GUI for the platform users want.

So please Tivoli, LISTEN!

Ok, enough grumbling for today.
Have a nice weekend

Thomas Rupp
Vorarlberger Illwerke AG

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