On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 11:02:20AM +0200, Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM wrote:
> Hi Mark!
> Can you sort your dsmadmc output? Can you scroll up and down through your
> dsmadmc results? Think not. So I think you can't compare the commandline

I for one can do that easily. My xterm has a large scroll buffer. Together
with a small perl script to beautify the q act output and I'm a happy
person using the commandline.
I only use the (web)gui when I forgot which commands to use for some task...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stapleton, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 01:45
> Subject: Re: *Real* admin interface (Was: q vol f=g ??!?)
> From: Kamp, Bruce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > What might be another alternative is an MMC (Microsoft Management
> > Console)....
> If you'll look *really carefully* at the TSM Management Console for
> Windows, you're looking at  an MMC.
> All this talk about a "real" admin console leads me to a question: what
> is it you want to look at? You want to see how many volumes are
> contained in a storage pool? How many scratch tapes are in your library?
> How many tape volumes are in pending mode? Sounds to *me* like you need
> to be using dsmadmc.
> I haven't found a GUI-based admin interface that can hold a candle to
> the reliability, speed, and pinpoint control available of the
> command-line admin interface. I can run select statements that give me
> *exactly* what I want and in the format I want, I can script rapidly and
> easily, I can redirect output to text and pipe it to text processors
> like Perl, Python, and even lowly awk and sed. Yes, it takes practice,
> and it take some typing skill to do it quickly. And, as a Tivoli rep and
> I agreed upon, any kind of realtime monitor would do nothing but drag
> down the speed of the TSM server for the sake of generating pretty
> pictures for the local PHB.
> --
> Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Berbee Information Networks
> Office 262.521.5627
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