Ah, I see what you mean.

Well, I actually set up all include / exclude statements within the TSM
server itself.

Many thanks for your help with this.

Farren Minns
||   Salak Juraj                 |                                        |
||   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         |                                        |
||   Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor   |   To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |
||   Manager"                    |           cc:                          |
||   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      |           Subject:        AW: AW:      |
||                               |   Simple Backup Copy Group Question    |
||   03/17/2004 09:33 AM         |                                        |
||   Please respond to "ADSM:    |                                        |
||   Dist Stor Manager"          |                                        |
||                               |                                        |

>> Regarding the " " arround the dir/filespec, is this necessary to make it
Surely not with W2K clients, as long as there are no spaces in dir/file

I am not sure about unix clients, because on command line
behaves the file names expansion differently (actually
because of the differeniece in command line shells,
not in tsm clients), namely the asterix
is beeing expanded through the shell prior the (tsm)
program start and passed to
the tsm client as series of unique dir/file names
dsmc incr /dir/*txt
would for example actually start
dsmc incr /dir/a.txt /dir/b.txt /dir/c.txt
(assuming there are exactly this 3 txt files)

This behaviour is very probably not the case with
asterixes in .opt files,
because the .opt file is fully under the control
of tsm clinet as opposite of beeing interpreted by command line shell.

But maybe, though not very likely,
the TSM designers decided to make the .opt file
behave similar to command line and expand
the asterixes
include *.txt mgmtclass
at the very moment of the program start.
This WOULD make a difference - e.g.
a later created file d.txt would not be seen as part of
this include.

As I am more interested in this think working
and less in knowing this detail,
I simply always put "" around.

I usually have few dir´s containing spaces,
there i must use quotes anyway.
I prefer things to be nice, means in this case
having very samy syntax, so I use quotes
on all includes.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Farren Minns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 17. März 2004 09:55
Betreff: Re: AW: Simple Backup Copy Group Question

Thanks for that

Regarding the extra version, I don't think it matters here as there;s
prolly only ever one version anyway. Regarding the " " arround the dir/file
spec, is this necessary to make it work?


||   Salak Juraj                 |                                       |
||   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         |                                       |
||   Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor   |   To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |
||   Manager"                    |           cc:                         |
||   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      |           Subject:        AW: Simple  |
||                               |   Backup Copy Group Question          |
||   03/17/2004 08:56 AM         |                                       |
||   Please respond to "ADSM:    |                                       |
||   Dist Stor Manager"          |                                       |
||                               |                                       |

yes it is.
I´d only add "" around the directory/file specification.

Because you keep you keep 3 file versions for 180 days
there is one extra thing to be considered:
be aware of renaming files, directories or moving files to
different directories.
Once this happens, next tsm backup will expire
all extra version thus eliminating your efforts
to keep extra backup versions for long time.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Farren Minns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 17. März 2004 09:16
Betreff: Simple Backup Copy Group Question

Hi TSMers

Ok, I think I know what I'm doing, but I just want to check something to
make sure (call ma paranoid if you like).

Running TSM on Solaris. Backing up a Solaris client.

I want to back up one directory and all it's sub dir's with a different
Management Class to the rest of the server. Now, I have set up a new
management class and made sure it is active. The class in question is
called RETDEL750 and the Backup Copy Group under this looks as follows :-

Versions Data Exists        3
Versions Data Deleted        1
Retain Extra Versions        180
Retain Only Version        750

This means that when a file gets deleted from the server, we'll still have
it in backup for 750 days. This much is fine.

Now, under the client option set for this server I have added an include
statement as follows :-

include /app/production/prodlive/jasper/data/content/loading/.../*

Is this the correct way to associate the backup copy group and make sure
that it is applied to all files and sub dir's.

Thanks in advance

Farren Minns - John Wiley & Sons Ltd

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