Paul -

In Unix, at least, a less important process (the backup, in this case)
can be "reniced" to reduce its impact, giving the more important
processes a higher relative priority in accessing resources. There may
be a similar mechanism for Windows.

Incremental backups have a considerable impact because of the Active
Files list they have to juggle. You could evaluate whether a
-INCRBYDate type backup would be viable for the involved systems, where
there is no list overhead.

   Richard Sims

On Apr 26, 2005, at 10:52 AM, Paul Zarnowski wrote:

At 07:33 PM 4/25/2005, Coats, Jack wrote:
Our solutions:
* Start backups when users have supposedly gone home.

Thanks for the suggestions so far. I should have mentioned that this is for an application server who's performance is important 24x7. We do already schedule during off-peak, but even so the performance degradation caused by the TSM backup is noticed and is perceived as a problem.

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