Did you use the command line to run a "q archive"?  There is a known problem 
where the data is archived and can be seen by the command line but not but the 
GUI.  We just had this problem. We were given a few explanations for how this 
could happen and none seemed to fit.  Still there were two commands that you 
run.  One to get rid of the archive directory structure and the other to 
recreate it.  After that we could see our data in the GUI.  Maybe Andy R. could 
post those commands I don't have them off the top of my head.  Anyway, TSM 
support told us what to do.  We had to run it on about 50% of the servers we 
archived prior to upgrading to TSM server V5.3.X.X.

Bottom line check to see if  you see the stuff at the command line with the q 
archive command.  If so open a call with support and they will help you from 

"Hart, Charles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
We ran a immediate action sched to archive files form a Windows server.
The archive was complete, but when you go in to the TSM BA Client GUI
the archive does not show up in the retrieve options. The Archive
finished 6hrs ago... The dsmsched log reflects that the archive was
indeed ran and completed. Any ideas?

2005-05-18 04:02:32 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN
2005-05-18 04:02:32 Total number of objects inspected: 964,677
2005-05-18 04:02:32 Total number of objects archived: 964,492
2005-05-18 04:02:32 Total number of objects updated: 0
2005-05-18 04:02:32 Total number of objects rebound: 0
2005-05-18 04:02:32 Total number of objects deleted: 0
2005-05-18 04:02:32 Total number of objects expired: 0
2005-05-18 04:02:32 Total number of objects failed: 185
2005-05-18 04:02:32 Total number of bytes transferred: 36.94 GB
2005-05-18 04:02:32 Data transfer time: 7,670.24 sec
2005-05-18 04:02:32 Network data transfer rate: 5,050.66 KB/sec
2005-05-18 04:02:32 Aggregate data transfer rate: 891.30 KB/sec
2005-05-18 04:02:32 Objects compressed by: 0%
2005-05-18 04:02:32 Elapsed processing time: 12:04:24
2005-05-18 04:02:32 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END
2005-05-18 04:02:32 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END @357 2005-05-17 15:38:46
2005-05-18 04:02:32 Scheduled event '@357' completed successfully.
2005-05-18 04:02:32 Sending results for scheduled event '@357'.
2005-05-18 04:02:32 Results sent to server for scheduled event '@357'.

TSM 5.2.4 on AIX / Client Win2003 5.2.3 Client


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