TSM on win2K server. Overland Neo 4100 with 2 LTO-2 drives.

I've got a bad problem, and I'm stuck trying to read the manual for clues
but I'm having trouble finding what I need to know and I could really use
a point in the right direction.

TSM has been running just fine since I set it up more than two years ago.
I used the TSM wizard to set everything up, and it was quite easy. Last
week we had an LTO-2 drive failure, some bad cables, and an intermittent
library controller card. All those hardware issues have been fixed.

But somewhere in the mess of fixing all the hardware issues, the TSM
/windows drivers for the devices got confused, and TSM is now recognizing
the library and the drives as different device names. Whereas TSM used to
call the devices: lb6.0.0.3 (library), mt1.0.0.3 (drive 1), and mt2.0.0.3
(drive 2); TSM is now calling those devices lb6.0.0.5, mt1.0.0.5, and

I've tried everything I know of to fix the path between the server and the
"old" devices (lb6.0.0.3), but nothing I tried worked. So, I then set
out to try and define new path's for the "new" devices (lb6.0.0.5). I've
done the following:

- Define the new library and drives, giving them the proper names
  and element ID's.
- Update the server's LTO Device Class, giving it the new library name
- Add the new path's for the drives and the library:
tsm: ITG-TSM>q path

Source Name     Source Type     Destination     Destination     On-Line
                                Name            Type
-----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -------
ITG-TSM         SERVER          LB6.0.0.5       LIBRARY         Yes
ITG-TSM         SERVER          MT1.0.0.5       DRIVE           Yes
ITG-TSM         SERVER          MT2.0.0.5       DRIVE           Yes

But then I try to run an audit of the new library, and I get nothing:

ANR2017I Administrator ALAZAREV issued command: AUDIT LIBRARY lb6.0.0.5
ANR0984I Process 5 for AUDIT LIBRARY started in the BACKGROUND at
ANR8457I AUDIT LIBRARY: Operation for library LB6.0.0.5 started as process
ANR8461I AUDIT LIBRARY process for library LB6.0.0.5 completed
ANR0985I Process 5 for AUDIT LIBRARY running in the BACKGROUND completed
with completion state SUCCESS at 21:42:02.

The audit did nothing, as it starts and completes within a second. The
library didn't move an inch.

Obviously, I'm not setting up the paths properly, or the devices classes,
or something. What I find odd is that when I run the Device Configuration
Wizard, TSM does not find any devices. That is different from when I first
installed TSM, when it found all devices automatically for me.

I'm going to read Chapter 4 of the admin guide tonight when I go home, but
I've already looked at it, and I can't find the information I need
described in a clear manner. Any help anyone could provide, even just
pointing me to some good documentation, I would appreciate it.

Sorry to be a pest, but I'm in trouble, as our backups are down and I need
a little help getting it back up.

Thanks in advance,


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