Looks to me based on the calculations if it goes over a little more than 2
hours acceptable.  What's acceptable to me might not be acceptable to

225 GB per hour, or 62.5 MB/s
LTO2 drives can writes 70 ~75 MB/s

It's difficult to PD without seeing the whole environment where the bottle
neck is, but one area I would check woud be how LTO drives are assigned to
HBA card(s) on TSM server.
If you have fibre LTO drives, I would check how HBAs are assigned to LTO

For example,

If you have 1 HBA assigned to LTO drive 1 and 2
another HBA assigned to LTO drive 3,4

When backup occurs, if tapes are mounted from each HBA: drive1 and drive 3,
would have a greater performance than say you were to use drive1 and drive

Sung Y. Lee

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 03/16/2006
06:46:40 AM:

> Hi,
> we  use oracle TDP with LTO 2 dirvers for Rman database backup.
> Normally, the backup for database (450G) take 2h with 2 channels.
> but some time (intermittent) the backup take more than 2h30.
> the problem is that in this case only on channel work fine but the
> other is very slow, so when we do recovery test , the multiplexing not
> any idea please ?
>  Thanks

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