>> On Sat, 1 Apr 2006 00:34:21 +0200, Jurjen Oskam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Uhm, may I ask *why* you'd want an off-the-shelf product instead
> of your own code? Is the Perl-code not functioning correctly?
> What problem are you trying to solve?

Speaking as someone buried in my own PERL up to my nose:

Your homegrown code is uniquely adapted to your brain and thinking.
Unless you've been developing it with others, chances are good that
nobody else can make it work even 60% as effectively as you can.

Further, it reflects and amplifies your worldview, strengths, and
blind spots.  This means that (if we're honest with ourselves) there
are gaps in our own code we're uniquely ill-qualified to find.

Most third-party code has undergone substantial tomato-throwing from a
variety of environments, and so might be reasonably assumed to have
been idiot-proofed by a variety of idiots.

If you're lucky enough to have more than one TSM-qualified person in
shouting range, and you consort on the topics of architecture and
design, then you might have armored yourself against the worst of the

I don't think I could be as effective with a third-party product as I
am with my own stuff.  I do think that the person who gets my job
after I get hit by a truck will curse me for years.

- Allen S. Rout

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