I have, most certainly, mishandled some media and need some help to put  things 
together, if that is possible. I have a tape that is a stgpool  volume but is 
not a library volume:
  q vol 000035S f=d
   Volume Name: 000035S
  Storage Pool Name: TAPEPOOL
  Device Class Name: SDLTC
  Estimated Capacity (MB): 327,680.0
  Scaled Capacity Applied:
  Pct Util: 11.6
  Volume Status: Filling
  Access: Read/Write
  Pct. Reclaimable Space: 54.9
  Scratch Volume?: Yes
  In Error State?: No
  Number of Writable Sides: 1
  Number of Times Mounted: 608
  Write Pass Number: 1
  Approx. Date Last Written: 01/18/06   11:13:29
  Approx. Date Last Read: 06/21/05   08:59:31
  Date Became Pending:
  Number of Write Errors: 0
  Number of Read Errors: 0
  Volume Location:
  Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable : No
  Last Update by (administrator): BUBBLES
  Last Update Date/Time: 04/04/06   09:49:15
  'q libvol' output has no entries regarding the tape. An audit of the  library 
succeeeds. 000035S is physically in the library but can neither  be checked in 
or checked out by TSM. 
  the volhistory says this about 000035S:
  cat volhist.out | grep 000035S
   2004/02/15 21:41:06  STGNEW       0 0 0 SDLTC 000035S
   2004/02/24 16:17:47  STGDELETE  0 0 0 SDLTC 000035S
   2004/03/02 20:33:37  STGNEW       0 0 0 SDLTC 000035S
   2004/03/08 16:13:24  STGDELETE  0 0 0 SDLTC 000035S
   2004/06/23 18:00:46  STGNEW       0 0 0 SDLTC 000035S
  Any ideas??
  thank you.....
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