A couple of days ago, we had a bad tape in one of our drives.

TSM reported the problem and took the drive "off-line"

I removed the tape and brought the drive back "on-line"

But now it shows it's state as being "UNKNOWN" and TSM
is not using it.

Anyone have a solution?

Below is the query result:

tsm: PROVTSM>q dr C_LIBR MT8 f=d

                                Library Name: C_LIBR
                                  Drive Name: MT8
                                 Device Type: ECARTRIDGE
                                     On-Line: Yes
                                Read Formats: T9840C-C,T9840C,9840-C,9840
                               Write Formats: T9840C-C,T9840C
                                 ACS DriveId: 0,0,1,7
                                 Drive State: UNKNOWN
                                 Volume Name:
                                Allocated to:
                                         WWN: 500104F0008A889E
                               Serial Number: 500000020177
              Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
                       Last Update Date/Time: 07/17/06   06:55:48
Cleaning Frequency (Gigabytes/ASNEEDED/NONE):


Dave Zarnoch
Nationwide Provident

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