
We are in the process of update our library environment. We are
consulting some VTL maker to optimize our "backup image" process.

Our idea is :

Site 2 : ITSM servers => RandomDisk(~2TB) => VTL site 2 ~40TB (MigDelay
~ 30 - for on demand restore purpose)) => Library site 2 1000 LTO3 Slots
and ~15 LTO3
Site 1 :              => Library site 1 (backup copy x 2) 1500 LTO3
Slots and ~15 LTO3

VTL is not used to generate TAPE (we plan to used TSM migration process,
we don't want to  generate new production process and keep DRM ITSM module).

In our production we have :
Site 1 : (production servers level 1 ~40) Disk (8TB)  => Synchronous
replication+clone => Disk site 2 => (standby servers, not the same
characteristics as production servers)
        (production servers level 2 ~300) Disk (40TB)

Site 1 and Site 2 are in the same campus.

We have also a "passive" DRM (manual offsite tapes based DRM) for the

We are generated our backup image from site 2 for data level 1 for
offsite DRM purposes, but our standby server are poor server (IBM B80
for instance). For speeding process, we plan to do all backup image in
parallel with a VTL as target. We also want to try Active Collocation on
VTL (TSM 5.4) for full restore of servers level 2.

ITSM Servers are :
2 LPARS from p595, today our LPAR are not well balanced for security
reason :
* LPAR1 1 processor, 2GB RAM, 50GB DB, 4x2Gbit/s IBM6239
* LPAR2 4 processors, 8GB RAM, 290GB DB, 7x2Gbit/s IBM6239. We plan to
split this ITSM instance in 2 or 3 using AIX 5.3 micropartitionning.

Any experience with VTL from :
or with other solution.

I'am interested about integration of this solution with ITSM and
performance consideration.

Thank you for your advice.

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