        Sorry, yes the URL I posted must have been specific to my
search, and the results thrown away afteward.  The whitepaper is called
"EMC CLARiiON Backup Storage Solutions: The Value of CLARiiON Disk
Library with TSM".  If you log on to Powerlink, then search on "TSM
CDL", one of the results coming back will be that whitepaper; I tried it
earlier today to make sure they still had it.

Best Regards,

John D. Schneider
Sr. System Administrator - Storage
Sisters of Mercy Health System
3637 South Geyer Road
St. Louis, MO.  63127
Office: 314-364-3150, Cell:  314-486-2359

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Joni Moyer
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] How to Incorporate a CDL into TSM environment?

Hi John,

Thank you so much for all of the information!  I have a lot of data to
go through, but it is a tremendous help!  I was just wondering what the
name of the document you wrote is called?  I tried the link and it said
that it had moved on Powerlink.  Thanks again!

Joni Moyer
Storage Systems, Storage Mngt Analyst III
Phone Number: (717)302-9966
Fax: (717) 302-9826

"Schneider, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> 06/05/2007
10:56 AM Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>


Re: How to Incorporate a CDL into TSM environment?

                 Disclaimer: Before the job I have now, I spent two
years at EMC as a TSM consultant, helping customers use EMC products
(including the
CDL) in their TSM environment.  I have implemented a lot of CDLs with
TSM. I am still doing this at my current job.  So if I seem biased in
favor of this solution, well, I guess I am.
                 I have two resources for you. The first is a whitepaper
I was permitted to write while I was at EMC. You will need a Powerlink
account to get access to it, but you can sign up for one for free if you
don't have one already:

You can also find it in Powerlink using the search string "TSM CDL".  It
was the first link listed when I did it.  That search will also give you
lots of other valuable hits.

The second is a Redbook from IBM about their VTL solution.  There is a
chapter in it specific to how a VTL can help in a TSM environment.  Here
is the link:

My favorite way to use the CDL with TSM is:

1) Design the solution and size the CDL so that most or all Primary
storage pools can fit on the CDL. This will give you the most flexible
solution, and the fastest restores.  There is not a lot of advantage to
a CDL if you only make is as big as your original disk storage pool
would be.  Don't think of it as a temporary holding place until the data
can be migrated to tape the next day.  Think of it as the tape library
for your primary storage pools.

2) Emulate a IBM3584 library with LTO1 tape drives.  Use the IBM driver
for the library and tape drives.  I have had excellent success on both
AIX and Windows with that emulation working trouble free.  The IBM3584
emulation can support up to 4096 slots and 72 tape drives, more than
enough for most people's environment.

3) Don't be afraid to create enough virtual tape drives to solve the
problem.  Even in a small TSM server (30-50) clients, I create 16
virtual tape drives.  In a larger environment (50-200 clients) I create
32-64. It takes a little longer to set them up, but afterwards you will
reap the benefits.

4) After you have created the virtual tape library, drives, and tapes,
define it to TSM the way you ordinarily would with a real tape library
and drives.  Simplify the setup by using the setting to automatically
discover the serial and element numbers.

5) Direct the client backups directly to the virtual tapes, instead of
going to disk storage pool.  If you have enough virtual tape drives and
spread your client schedules out into groups, you can drive the data
straight through to virtual tape.  This will save you hours of time in
the schedule not having to migrate from disk to tape.  There may be some
older slower clients you could leave behind on disk storage pool if you
have a lot of clients like that, it is up to you.

6) There is no particular advantage to collocating storage pools in a
virtual tape environment.  You can restore a client spread across two
dozen virtual tapes (almost) just as fast as if it was two virtual
tapes, because the mounts, dismounts, and seeks are so fast.  By turning
off collocation, you can get better overal utilization of the disk space
in the CDL.

7) Doing backup storage pools from primary to copy pools will only
require half as many real tape drives as it did before, so you can
increase MAXPR if you need to to speed things up.

8) In a real tape environment, most people have to set aside time in the
daily schedule to reclaim both primary storage pool and copy storage
pool tapes.  They need to have a script or admin schedule to start and
stop reclamation, to keep it out of the way of other processes that
would require tapes.  If your primary storage pool is on a CDL, set the
reclamation threshold at 50% (or whatever you prefer) and leave it
there.  As long as you have enough virtual tape drives so that you
aren't running out of virtual drives, reclamation will simply grab a
couple virtual tape drives, mount the tapes, and go about reclaiming
tapes when it needs to.  The whole process will happen "in the
background" and you won't even notice it.  This can free up hours so you
can reclaim more copy storage pool tapes, or whatever.

Those are my thoughts.  Feel free to ask me other questions if you need
to.  Also, don't hesitate to ask for help from the EMC BURA (BackUp,
Recovery, and Archive) Practice at EMC.  That is what they are there

Best Regards,

John D. Schneider
Sr. System Administrator - Storage
Sisters of Mercy Health System
3637 South Geyer Road
St. Louis, MO.  63127
Office: 314-364-3150, Cell:  314-486-2359

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Joni Moyer
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 8:21 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] How to Incorporate a CDL into TSM environment?

Hi Everyone,

We have recently purchased a CDL and will be implementing it with our
TSM environment shortly.  We have 120 TB for our production system and
60 TB for our test system.  I was just wondering if anyone has already
installed and set up a CDL library in an already existing library?
(Which I'm sure many have.)  And if so, what steps did you go through to
tie the CDL into TSM?  And what documentation, if any, was helpful?
Thanks in advance!

Joni Moyer
Storage Systems, Storage Mngt Analyst III
Phone Number: (717)302-9966
Fax: (717) 302-9826

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