Hi Everyone!

I have successfully completed the following:

Defined a scsi library: cdlb_dev
Defined a path from the tsm server to the cdl library: define path tsmdev
cdlb_dev srctype=server desttype=library device=/dev/smc0
Define LTO drives for the cdl library: define drive cdlb_dev lto2-27
Define tape paths for the lto2 virtual drives: define path tsmdev lto2-27
srctype=server desttype=drive library=cdlb_dev device=/dev/rmt27
Define a device class for the cdl library: define devclass lto2_cdlb
library=cdlb_dev devtype=lto format=ultrium2 mountlimit=drives
Define a cdl storage pool: define stgpool cdlb_aix lto2_cdlb pool=primary
maxsize=5G maxscratch=100 next=tape_aix hi=90 lo=70 reclaim=50 reclaimpr=1
collocate=no migdelay=30 migpr=1  (I have set the mgdelay to 30 so that we
keep 30 days of backups within the cdl until it moves to onsite tape)
Label virtual volumes: label libvol cdlb_dev search=yes checkin=scratch
volrange=db0000,db00209 labelsource=barcode

In order to start using the cdl and the cdl storage pool cdlb_aix in the
order of: aix (disk pool) --> cdlb_aix (cdl aix primary sequential storage
pool) --> tape_aix (primary sequential storage pool which is physical lto2
tape) --> copy_aix (offsite lto2 tape pool for offsite disaster recovery

Would I just have to update the aix disk pool's next storage pool to be:
cdlb_aix?  And then the data will stay on the cdl for 30 days since I have
the migdelay set to 30?  And what order does it make sense to migrate and
backup the data?

Scenerio 1
Client backup to aix disk pool
Migrate data to cdlb_aix
backup cdlb_aix to copy_aix
backup tape_aix to copy_aix
Migrate cdlb_aix to tape_aix after 30 days
Will I ever need to run a job to backup the aix disk pool to the copy_aix

Scenerio 2
Client backup to aix disk pool
Backup aix disk pool to copy_aix
Migrate data from aix disk pool to cdlb_aix storage pool
backup cdlb_aix to copy_aix
backup tape_aix to copy_aix
Migrate cdlb_aix to tape_aix after 30 days

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!  Thanks!

Joni Moyer
Storage Systems, Storage Mngt Analyst III
Phone Number: (717)302-9966
Fax: (717) 302-9826

"Allen S. Rout" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
06/12/2007 10:00 AM
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"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>


Re: How to Incorporate a CDL into TSM environment?

>> On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 03:20:18 -0400, Curtis Preston

> Pretty much everybody who is following the industry believes it will
> morph into the "intelligent disk target" industry.

I see this trend too.  It makes me think of ATM.  Remember ATM? :) Oy,
I sound like an old fart.  Sorry.  Topical, topical:

The problem I see with the intelligent disk target notion is that, the
smarter you try to get, the more management you have to do, and the
more statistical duplication you have to push under the covers.  How
would you feel if you had to map and tune RAID-5 regions between

And, (and here's the psychological kicker) the more you are out of
control of the actual processes.  This does not offend most
administrators of e.g. windows file-service servers: the performance
required is sufficiently modest, and the demand sufficiently diffuse,
that things like "Which platters is this coming from" never arise.

But if you really want to understand your performance and bottlenecks,
then you're in vendor motel land, with extra-price tools to "help"
you. :) It's a storage cloud, and just trust us, it'll all work out.

For administrators accustomed to operating the presented interface,
this is not worrying.  For administrators accustomed to understanding
and controlling the underlying behavior, it is disconcerting, and in
the way.

This doesn't mean it won't be a great way to make money.  The
advantage to selling restricted and concealing interfaces is that you
can access a market which is incompetent to challenge you, and each
flaw in product version N can be a sales opportunity for N.1.  Witness

- Allen S. Rout

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