Just to provide you with some stat information

backup set generation without table to 3592 took about 6 hours to process
577 GB with 8.5 million items.
The most of our data are collocated.

I would think that if you have a huge TSM DB and data is on many tapes not
collocated there would be alot of processing that goes into it.
Since you didn't mention what LTO drives (I will assume you are using
LTO1).  Let's say LTO1 has max write speed of 15 MB/s that is 54 GB/h.  So
to write 50 GB should have taken about an hour in perfect working

Could it be tape drive issue?


Sung Y.  Lee

Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
07/22/2008 11:32 AM

Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>



I have TSM server with IBM 3584 Tape library with LTO drives.
I have never used Generate Backupset and decided to do some
testing to see how long it takes to create, for instance.

I am using LTO tape for the backupset, and using one entire
node, not individual filespaces and use toc=no.
In 2 days with several nodes, I have gotten basically nowhere.
In 6 hours it has "generated" just a couple of GB of data of
total requirement of about 50GB.

>From watching stats with "q process", it seems that one or both
of the following are happening:

A.  It is scanning the entire TSM DB for what is needed, instead of
just that nodes data.


B.  When it mounts an input tape, it is reading the entire tape instead
of just "seeking" to where the required data is.

I have no performance issues otherwise with tapes, TSM DB or

Could someone shed some light on this slowness issue and how
 to speed it up?

David Longo

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