>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 09:08:43 +1030, "Cheung, Richard" 
>> <richard.che...@santos.com> said:

> Business requirements to have quarterly backups to be retained for
> 25 years

Don't let that requirement waste your time generating
extra-extra^(25*4) copies.


VEREXISTS:      110
RETEXTRA:       9500 (or NOLIMIT, perhaps)
RETOLNY:        9500 (or 10000, perhaps)

and run an incr once a quarter.

You may want to deploy a distinct TSM server for this purpose, perhaps
on the same hardware, but that'll help keep them distinct.

This way, you're still able to use TSM's abstraction layer to permit
media migration, you will only re-copy changed data (saving you
(25*4)-1 copies of e.g. config.sys) and you'll be able to schedule and
monitor the damned things

- Allen S. Rout

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