Hi Gretchen,

At 01:32 PM 1/21/2009, Gretchen L. Thiele wrote:
I think this list has touched on this before, but I'm checking again to
see if anyone else is getting a nudge to do this or if there is something
I'm not considering.

We've been looking at this for some time.  I've been pursuing two avenues:

One (on Windows) is to use the Windows shutdown exit in combination with VB
scripts to prompt the user if they want to run a backup at
shutdown.  Model:  User shuts down system at the end of their work day, and
walks away.  A prompt comes up (after applications are all quit) asking if
a backup should be done.  Prompt defaults if no response is given (i.e., if
they're already gone).  CLI is used to run an incremental.  System can be
shutdown, hibernated, or suspended after backup is done.  Drawback: If user
does not have Admin (or suitable) privileges, they cannot backup all files
- just the ones they have access to.

Two (also on Windows) is to use the BIOS to boot the system at night,
within the assigned TSM backup scheduler window.  This idea actually comes
from a department at Yale.  Model: User shuts down system at night.  It
boots up at night, backs up, then is shutdown via post-schedule TSM
exit.  Drawback: This works well if you have consistent BIOSes, and if they
support this feature.  We have a lot of variability in our PC environment,
with lots of different BIOSes, so documenting and supporting this would be
a challenge.  Still, this is the direction I am currently leaning towards.

Call me if you want to talk further.  I think this could be something that
could benefit from some synergy.


Paul Zarnowski                            Ph: 607-255-4757
Manager, Storage Services                 Fx: 607-255-8521
719 Rhodes Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-3801    Em: p...@cornell.edu

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