Hi Gretchen,
We run backup of about 30 laptops on our site, most of them belonging to
top management/key people ; it occurrs between 12:30 am and 1:30pm, while
people go for lunch ; but that's France, where people take time for lunch.
So far, no one complaigns : it's a management requirement anyway.

"Gretchen L. Thiele" <gretc...@princeton.edu>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
21/01/2009 19:34
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>


[ADSM-L] 'Greening' TSM; position available

I'm getting pressured (gently now, much stronger
in the future) to come up with a way to back up
our desktops without leaving them on overnight.

I don't think 'wake up on lan' is appropriate
since the TSM servers are on their own separate
segment on the network. I've looked into prompted,
but we do have a lot of computers that use wireless
and therefore have inconsistent hostnames. Backing
up during the day, even with journalling and subfile
backups, still monopolizes the clients' computers
(Vista, Mac OS X, Linux) and I get complaints.

I think this list has touched on this before, but
I'm checking again to see if anyone else is getting
a nudge to do this or if there is something I'm
not considering. Has anyone used pre and/or post
sched commands to shut down computers after backing
up? I have limited access to clients' desktops, so
something more server-centric is preferred...

Also, we have a TSM administrator position open.
For details, visit http://jobs.princeton.edu and
search the open positions for 'tsm'. I can be
contacted *off list* for more details.

Gretchen Thiele
Princeton University

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