Have any of you seen server-to-server sessions stay around, idle, for
ridiculous periods?

I have a server with

tsm: ATLCOPY>q opt idletimeout

Server Option         Option Setting
-----------------     --------------------
IdleTimeOut           60

but it accumulates idle sessions:

   Sess  Comm.   Sess      Wait    Bytes    Bytes  Sess   Platform  Client Name
 Number  Method  State     Time     Sent    Recvd  Type
-------  ------  ------  ------  -------  -------  -----  --------  
 89,734  Tcp/Ip  IdleW    250.7    1.2 K    7.4 G  Node   Windows   UFF-OFF
 93,028  Tcp/Ip  IdleW    226.4    1.9 K   20.7 G  Node   Windows   UFF-OFF
 96,362  Tcp/Ip  IdleW    202.9    1.2 K   60.4 M  Node   Windows   UFF-OFF
 99,649  Tcp/Ip  IdleW    180.8    1.4 K   18.8 G  Node   Windows   UFF-OFF
100,751  Tcp/Ip  IdleW    172.1    1.4 K   48.1 G  Node   Windows   UFF-OFF

[ ... ]

Makes me wish for

CANCEL SESS wherestate=IdleW Wherewait >= 6000

or some such.

- Allen S. Rout

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