Hi Allen,

yes, I am seeing sessions hang like this.  The sending server is version
The receiver is 5.5.  I am making the copypools for the v6 servers on
volumes.  I get hanging sessions like this when doing backup stgpool and
also doing
tsm db backups to the same 5.5 server.  I monitor it every morning and
cancel the
hanging sessions. I have a pmr open.

If you look in the sending server, you should see messages like this -

tsm: XXXX>q act begint=00:00 s=socket
Session established with server XXXX: Linux/x86_64
  Server Version 6, Release 1, Level 3.0
  Server date/time: 02/12/2010 14:05:36  Last access: 02/12/2010

02/12/2010 01:37:22     ANR8213E Socket 19 aborted due to send error;
error 110. (SESSION: 12169, PROCESS: 248)
02/12/2010 06:07:21     ANR8213E Socket 12 aborted due to send error;
error 110. (SESSION: 13343)
02/12/2010 06:37:14     ANR8213E Socket 6 aborted due to send error;
error 110. (SESSION: 13510)
02/12/2010 14:05:36     ANR2017I Administrator <id> issued command:
QUERY ACTLOG begint=00:00 s=socket  (SESSION: 16213)

Bill Colwell

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of
Allen S. Rout
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 12:08 PM
Subject: Sessions idle for silly periods...

Have any of you seen server-to-server sessions stay around, idle, for
ridiculous periods?

I have a server with

tsm: ATLCOPY>q opt idletimeout

Server Option         Option Setting
-----------------     --------------------
IdleTimeOut           60

but it accumulates idle sessions:

   Sess  Comm.   Sess      Wait    Bytes    Bytes  Sess   Platform
Client Name
 Number  Method  State     Time     Sent    Recvd  Type
-------  ------  ------  ------  -------  -------  -----  --------
 89,734  Tcp/Ip  IdleW    250.7    1.2 K    7.4 G  Node   Windows
 93,028  Tcp/Ip  IdleW    226.4    1.9 K   20.7 G  Node   Windows
 96,362  Tcp/Ip  IdleW    202.9    1.2 K   60.4 M  Node   Windows
 99,649  Tcp/Ip  IdleW    180.8    1.4 K   18.8 G  Node   Windows
100,751  Tcp/Ip  IdleW    172.1    1.4 K   48.1 G  Node   Windows

[ ... ]

Makes me wish for

CANCEL SESS wherestate=IdleW Wherewait >= 6000

or some such.

- Allen S. Rout

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