I am unable to bind a non-default management class to an NFS mounted
NAS device using the usual 'include /<path>  <mg class> syntax.
Backed up files are bound to the default management class instead.
Does someone see my mistake?

The TSM client is version on Redhat Linux.  It is using dsmcad
to start the client scheduler.

We are running ordinary incremental backups of the filesystem.

__ The filesystem is on a NAS device and is mounted like this in /etc/
evs05-g:/RMAN          /nfs/evs05/opt/oracle/rman    nfs

__ The output of 'mount' looks like this:
r...@esdbd10 bin]# mount
evs05-g:/RMAN on /nfs/evs05/opt/oracle/rman type nfs

__ 'root equivalency' is setup to allow root to read the files

__ The domain statement in dsm.sys looks like this:
domain             ALL-LOCAL /nfs/evs05/opt/oracle/rman

__ The include statement looks like this:
include.fs.nas /nfs/evs05//opt/oracle/rman  rman

__ This version of the include statement also does not cause the
needed binding:
include  /nfs/evs05/opt/oracle/rman  rman

__  The output of 'dsmc q inclexcl' looks like this:

r...@esdbd10 bin]# dsmc q inclexcl
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
Command Line Backup/Archive Client Interface
 Client Version 5, Release 5, Level 2.6
 Client date/time: 02/12/2010 13:21:13
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2009. All Rights

Node Name: ESDBD10
Session established with server TSMBL01: Linux/x86_64
 Server Version 5, Release 5, Level 4.1
 Server date/time: 02/12/2010 13:21:13  Last access: 02/12/2010

Mode Function  Pattern (match from top down)  Source File
---- --------- ------------------------------ -----------------
Excl Filespace /mnt/ORA_linux_install         "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Excl Filespace /tmp                           "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Excl Directory /.../.TsmCacheDir              TSM
Excl Directory /opt/oracle/scripts            "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Excl Directory /opt/oracle/product            "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Excl Directory /opt/oracle/oraInventory       "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Excl Directory /opt/oracle/doc                "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Excl Directory /opt/oracle/ddl                "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Excl Directory /opt/oracle/backup             "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Excl Directory /opt/oracle/a01                "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Excl Directory /var/tmp                       "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Excl Directory /.../.TsmCacheDir              "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Include NAS       /nfs/evs05//opt/oracle/rman    "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Exclude All       /nfs/evs05/opt/oracle/rman/.snapshot/.../* "/etc/
Include All       /var/brte/.../*                "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Include All       /opt/oracle/l03/.../*          "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Include All       /opt/oracle/l02/.../*          "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Include All       /opt/oracle/l01/.../*          "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Include All       /opt/oracle/admin/.../*        "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Include All       /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt "/etc/
Include All       /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys "/etc/
Exclude All       /opt/tivoli/.../*              "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Exclude All       /source1/adsm/*.log            "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
Exclude All       /.../core                      "/etc/adsm.inclexcl"
No DFS include/exclude statements defined.

If I have left out an essential piece of the puzzle please let me
know.  I will be glad to provide it.   If someone has any insights
into binding a management class to a NFS mounted NAS device on Linux I
would most grateful to receive them.

Best wishes,
Keith Arbogast
Indiana University

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